Everything starts by filling out the form below to provide us information about your item, like the brand and condition, and provide photos. We will review your submission within three business days to determine if your product is a match for our shoppers. If the item is not a good fit, we may ask for more information on the item, or explain why the item is not suited at this time. If the item is acceptable, we will send you our Consignment Agreement to fill out and return to us with your item.
+6221.2002.2012 +6221.2002.2021
ln Cempaka Wangi No 22 Jakarta - Indonesia
hello@yourdomain.tld support@yourdomain.tld
Have one of your faves become a nay? Let someone else show it love again by consigning with us! You’ll fetch top dollar for your high quality, branded luxury goods and receive fast, secure payment while avoiding the hassle of selling yourself.
Please note that we accept only authentic items, and we ask that you be certain of an item’s authenticity before sending it to us. We may or may not be able to determine authenticity based on the photos you submit. Once the item physically arrives, our in-house experts can tell whether it is authentic. If not, it will be returned to you at your expense.
If you would feel more confident about authenticity, there are well established authentication service providers, to name a few:
Welcome to our exclusive online boutique, where you’ll find only the finest designer handbags and jewelry.